Tuesday, 2 October 2007

in which the homesickness sets in...

Highlights from last weekend:
- Staying in British suburia, despite making me miss my own surburban home.
- Trying out punting. I wasn't very good, and actually got a little frustrated, but I liked sitting in the boat and spending time with the roomies.
- Our B&B. Very comfortable with an ensuite bathroom (that doesn't feel like you're on a barge) and a tv in the room. I got to watch British talk shows!
- Going up a church tower to see the whole of Oxford, and even into the countryside a little. Very pretty.
- This cafe called Puccino's with a very quirky menu and decor. My kind of place.

Things I'm looking forward to:
- Evan and Cara coming to visit for an entire week! Eeeee!
- Getting more and more used to London things like the Tube, the streets, and the general layout of the city. I still get frustrated with how easily I lose my sense of direction here, but I'm getting better.
- The drama class' backstage tour of the British National Theatre scheduled for next week.
- Going out tomorrow for Steph's (roomate's) birthday.

Things I miss:
- My privacy. Being in a triple is definitely worse than the double in Artz I remember. I've been here a month, and been alone twice since I drove to the airport in Toronto. Ugh.
- My computer. It's my window home. I go stir-crazy when I can't interact with different people on a regular basis, and even moreso when I can't connect with my family and best friends when I want to, or read my blog, or do random research on things that interest me, not to mention actual research I need to do for classes. This is what I'm having the hardest time with. I knew it would be an adjustment, but I didn't expect the guilt I would feel always borrowing time on my roomates' computers. If there is any way to get one right now, I'd get it. But I keep coming up dry.
- Television, especially since Private Practice and Grey's have started. Plus, sometimes it feels so good to relax and veg in front of the boob tube. Some people listen to music, some people have a glass of wine, I watch tv.
- Peanut butter, solely because someone mentioned it at dinner tonight and now I have a craving.

I don't want you to think I'm not having a good time. I am. I'm enjoying myself. I'm meeting new people and doing new things, and loving being here. I just miss those things.


Ryan said...

YOU liked sitting in a BOAT? i guess there aren't any waves when punting ;). happy thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Meg... forget the homesickness... this is a time thing kiddo... go for the gusto.. before you know it... you will be back in North America..dreaming about the things you miss about..............Leave no rock unturned... find out as much as you can... YOU Go GIRL>>>>>